
Unconscious Bias Trainings

Since 2016, our partners in the Perelman School of Medicine (PSOM) Office of Inclusion and Diversity (OID) have hosted over 400 Unconscious Bias Workshops for PSOM faculty and staff and Penn medical professionals. By raising awareness of the unintentional ways we are swayed by bias in the workplace, these workshops give participants tools to address and change practices.

Learn more about Bias and Health Care Disparities, Inclusion, and Workforce

OID offers four workshop opportunities:
  • “Foundations of Unconscious Bias”
  • “Beyond Bias: Advancing Diversity and Inclusion”
  • “Unconscious Bias for Leaders: Impact on Decision Making”
  • “Impact of Unconscious Bias: Faculty Search and Selection Process”
Aimed at enhancing awareness at all levels of our community, these programs identify behavior patterns that have the potential for bias, help participants examine their own identities, explore how our brains function, and introduce strategies and tools to bring about change.

Key Partnerships
